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Frequently Asked Questions:


1. Just after the 'abrupt' announcement of freezing of pre-registration on June 28, I emailed you my details. What is my chance to be considered in the race?


Since we have announced that the actual registration of pre-registered runners  (published names) will only last from July 1-31, 2015. Kindly wait. Give us a day or two  after the deadline to sort things out. 

All pre-registered runners who missed or did not  settle their respective fees will AUTOMATICALLY lose their slot, whatever reason they have will NOT AT ALL be entertained. 


The total number of  unconfirmed slots will automatically be made available ONLY to wait-listed runners according to time and date of submission (names of WAITLISTED runners will be released soon) of details. 


Slots for 10k is very limited. 


2. My name made it to the WAIT-LIST published, however, total slots have been declared full. What are my chances? 


Names of runners who did not advance to the final list  of runners will now become a PRIORITY during the next official opening of Batanes Winter Marathon (Season 2) registration. 


3. What is the total number of slots open?  


We do not yet have a final number of slots (although we  have  temporarily sealed it at 210 and a few)  since we are designing ways  to accommodate more runners during race day and lessening possibilities of  'bottlenecks' or clogging of tourist runners during tours. We want you all to enjoy. 


Proposed measurements to lessen the presence of runners in Batanes all at one time, before and after race day:

a.Runners who arrive on a thursday  or friday will be able to tour  and leave earlier on a Monday. Runners arrive on a Saturday will do their tours on a saturday afternoon and on a monday or extend then fly back on tues or wednesday. 



4. Will this race be offered again if I don't get to join on Feb. 21, 2016? 


Our first BWM has not yet taken place but having seen many runners being interested in this race we hope to hold this event, twice next year. One in Feb and another in November (date to be determined) to accommodate more interested runners in a single year. That's our good news for you!



We hope we were able to address all your concerns. :)  Please call or write us if you have questions we were unable to answer. :)















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